Ben Resume HTML Template

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This is Anug's Portal Information

Starting career with PT Pertamina Indonesia onto bring the personal value to the ocean with as a product milestone. Discover the joy of simplicity with efficient solutions, a user-friendly interface, and endless integration possibilities!

  • Full Name : Anugrah Endar Priyanto
  • Date of Birth: 18 January 1984
  • Website :
  • Email :
Ben's Resume HTML Template

Pertamina Indonesia

Short brief, I work as Calibrator for Pertamina Indonesia. My job is transfer knowledge to Manager till Supervisor how to work with new system "Auto Calibration" ATG ( Automatic Tank Gauging ) with Tank Monitor as a visual for our calibration proses. Thats means we as a team used level sensor and volume sensor base on : 1. Probe Techonolgies : Magnetostrictive, ultrasonic, capacitance, or mass/buoyancy 2. Panel Technologies : Different data analysis software, and different hardware. Some are powerful than others. 3. Peripheral Components : Electronics line detecktor,interstitial and other external monitoring sensors. Purpose : Know the differences between the oil in and out without distrubing the oil sales, Which mean we have the specific value for the loses velocity of oil. This is my best firts Experiences work. Challenge, adventure, a lot of knowledge and Wild.. :)

TPI - MNCTV Indonesia

ENG, SNG, Radio Studio, Television Radio, DSNG, OB Van, Satelite Provider, UP - Link, Radio/TV Broadcast Station Electrical installation, Analogic/Digital Radio Transmitters, Analogic/Digital TV Transmitters, Microwave Relays, FM/TV Radiating Systems, Slomo Video enggine, Video Converter, CG, Avid Mobile, Mixer Audio, Camera, DVR. Viz Artiz, VIz Trio, Viz Arena, Viz Content Pilot, Viz Virtual Studio, Viz Engine, Vizrt online suite. Avid News cutter, Avid Media composer, Avid Isis, Avid iNews. Grass valley, Edius NLE, K2 media server, T2 iDDR,Trinix NXT Motion Dive VJ Console, Resolume, comfix

Lazada Indonesia

Manage more than 30,000 order Online Process ( +-50,000 Order Line in average a day ) Monitoring all process activity Inbound, Inventory, Outbound, Return & Quarantine, Transportation. Every Single process has been set and provided by our hands ✋ What a Great Greatly Operations Wariors

Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to do this is to use lean management methods.

Because it can be very detailed. Using several pillars of the method.

Yes, you can use them.

Yes, please tell us what you need. We will try our best to fulfill it.

Probably yes, it depend on how you set the warehouse layout and racking system first.

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